Golden Eyelash Viper
(Crotalus vegrandis) Owner/Handler-Steve Brown
(Deinagkistrodon acutus) Owner/Handler-Steve Brown
(Bitis nasicornus) Owner/Handler-Steve Brown
(Agkistrodon bilineatus taylori) Owner/Handler- Steve Brown
(Bothriechis schlegelii) Owner/Handler-Steve Brown
(Crotalus adamanteus) Owner/Handler-Steve Brown
(Crotalus durissus durissus) Owner/Handler-Steve Brown
Owner/Handler-Steve Brown
Handler: Steve Brown
One of the five poisonous snakes in Missouri
Exotic A.R.C.
Bearded Dragons, Exotic A.R.C. In St. Louis
Turtle sunning on the Kaskaskia River
was maybe 5 feet from him with both of us being on the floor. No cage, no glass. What an experience!...
In the wild, near the Mississippi River
St. Louis Zoo
Taken at the St. Louis Zoo
Turtle enjoying a swim
New visitor to the pond